As of Thursday 12th September, Dean Ashpole-Chapman has stood down as District Lead Volunteer.

For all district enquiries please email: [email protected] (Jason & Nick)

Where to sew those badges

Scout Network Uniform Diagram
  1. Wales badge
  2. Network name tape
  3. Scotland/ Northern Ireland Badge
  4. District Badge
  5. County/ Area/ Region Badge
  6. Local Network badge (if not warn on scarf)
  7. Union Flag
  8. Network Flag
  9. Young Leader Service Award
  10. Gallantry/ Meritorious Conduct Award
  1. Chief Scout’s Award or Queen’s Scout Award (the highest gained should be worn)
  2. Wales Badge
  3. Occasional Badges
  4. Moving on Award
  5. Membership Award
  6. Scouts of the World Award
  7. Explorer Belt Award
  8. First Aid and Saving of Life
  9. Local Network Badge (if worn on scarf)