Gift Aid is a tax relief set up by the Government to enable charities to claim back 25p for every eligible £1 donation that is made to your charity.
Every Group, District and County/Area/Scottish Region and The Scouts HQ itself is a charity and so they’re able to claim 25% on eligible donations made to them by UK taxpayers. This includes any subscription fees you receive from parents or carers and any donations made directly to the charity.
I’ve given a donation to The Scouts, what do I do next?
Thanks for your support! Download the Gift Aid declaration form, fill in your details, sign it and return the form to fundr[email protected].
Or post it to:
Cotswold Edge District Scout Council
Mafeking Hall
Serridge Lane
Coalpit Heath
BS36 2UF
Note: This GiftAid declaration is for individual donations or subscriptions paid to Cotswold Edge Scout District not for donation to a scout group within the district. Each scout group has its own GiftAid declaration form. If you plan to hold sponsored events please contact [email protected] to discuss options including event specific Gift Aided sponsorship form or GiftAid through online fundraising sites.

Further Information
For further support or information about Gift Aid can be found at:
Scouts Gift Aid FAQs and HMRC GiftAid
or contact the HMRC Charities Helpline on 0300 123 1073 (open from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).