As of Thursday 12th September, Dean Ashpole-Chapman has stood down as District Lead Volunteer.

For all district enquiries please email: [email protected] (Jason & Nick)

Young Leaders

Share your skills, gain new ones

Welcome to Cotswold Edge District Young Leaders Unit

To contact the Young Leader Leaders please email Young Leaders


Mike Rickwood – Is a Scout Leader as well as an Explorer (Young Leader) Leader. At present Mike does his Scouting also at 1st Woodend Scout Group.

Mobile: 07587 287901

Karl Rickwood – Is an Assistant Beaver Leader as well as an Explorer (Young Leader) Assistant Leader, also at 1st Woodend Scout Group.

When and where we meet:

We try to meet once a month (but this depends on the Leaders work schedules) – See the programme for information.

What do you need to do as a Young Leader?

  1. Register with the Young Leaders Unit and get your Explorer Uniform if you haven’t already got one.
  2. Find a Scout Group that is happy for you to be a young leader – We can always help with this if you want.
  3. Decide on the section you want to work with Squirrels, Beavers or Cubs – You are not able to work with the Scout section until you have been away from Scouts for at least a year.
  4. You MUST complete Module A training within the first 3 months of becoming a Young Leader or starting work with your section.  Once you complete this training you will be given your Young Leaders Necker and also your Young Leaders badge to wear on your Explorer Uniform. Although a Young Person is not permitted to assist at a scout group until they reach 13½ years of age, they can start their Module A training in the 3 months leading up to their becoming 13½ years of age.
  5. There are a further 10 training modules which we like our Young Leaders to complete
  6. There are 4 missions for you to undertake and if you need support with these then just ask the leaders
  7. Once you have completed the 11 training modules and the 4 missions you will gain your Young Leaders belt.
  8. Attend as many of the Young Leaders Unit meeting as possible.  We do understand that school, work etc can be a problem but all we ask is that you let us know if you can’t make it.

To see the our current training program click Young Leaders Program

For information on missions please click Young Leaders Missions

For more information about the Young Leader Scheme click Young Leader Scheme