St George’s day will take place on Sunday 26th April.
Bookings are now open via Eventbrite
This year we will be starting our day from the Riverside Carpark in Yate, young people will need to be dropped off between 8.30 and 8.45 with their packed lunch labeled with their group name
Support vehicles will take all the lunches to Yate Academy where the rest of the day will take place.
Please can you ensure someone from your group is at Riverside for 8.20 to start meeting your young people, we will form up and the parade will start at 9.15, once we arrive at Yate Academy we will renew our promises and there will be an opportunity for awards to be presented.
The District Commissioner is happy to also present any chief scout awards you may have due.
We have lots of activities planned on the day including, climbing tower, caving, an inflatable assault course, inflatable bowling alley, soft archery, nerf guns, mini crossbows, cooking and crafts. We are looking for volunteers to help us with the setup and packing away and also to help with supervising some of the activities. If you are available to help us please can you email Claire Wiltshire [email protected]
Our next meeting date is Tuesday 25th February, 8pm at 1st Yate Scout Hut please feel free to attend.