Information for Leaders, members and parents of members in the District

21st March 2020 current status :

District Commisioners Email

All face to face Scouting is currently on hold. We are working hard to support leaders with online tools to help deliver an virtual programme. We also have some badge packs (From facebook) on out website


The NCVO has published some useful guidance to help Executive Committees consider how they can best support Scouts locally during this time.

Also published this week is guidance for charities from the Charity Commission.

The Scout Association has approved an amendment to the standard constitutions in POR which allows meetings to be held remotely. It also allows decisions to be made electronically. This is valid immediately and will be updated in the next update to POR, in early April. The wording is as follows:

  • Electronic voting (such as email) is allowed for decision making of the County/District/Group Executive Committee and its sub-Committees when deemed appropriate by the Chair. In such instances at least 75% of committee members must approve the decision.
  • The County/District/Group Executive Committee & its sub-Committees can meet by telephone conference, video conference as well as face to face in order to discharge its responsibilities when agreed by the appropriate Chair.
    It is recommended that all executives / sub-committees choose an appropriate tool that will enable you and your committees to meet. See the above tab for some examples.

Avon Jamboree

Avon jamboree has been postponed until 2021 (Click Here to see full Communication) 

St Georges Day

St Georges Day has been postponed until later this year.

District Commisioners Email


In accordance with Government advice, everybody is encouraged to wash their hands very regularly for at least 20 seconds and take other precautionary measures such as cleaning surfaces during meetings and activities.

Current number of cases in South Gloucestershire*: THIRTEEN
*Source – Public Health England

If you have any questions or if you have an urgent update, please contact the District Commissioner: [email protected]